Oklahoma Institute for Diversity in Journalism

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Olivia Abdalla

The power of Normanites and their contributions to homelessness


By Olivia Abdalla Holland Hall High School Originally started by a Methodist church and established in 1983, Food and Shelter of Norman began as a way for congregation members to reach out to their community and assist those who needed their help.  The church’s way of helping the Norman community was through distributing meals in community parks. These meals were specifically created for individuals experiencing homelessness in Norman. What was meant to be a kind gesture 38 years later has turned into an organization that has provided more than 180,000 meals to the community: Food and Shelter of Norman.  “McFarland,…

Milana Khaikhan


By Olivia AbdallaHolland Hall High School Across the Atlantic Ocean, 6,129 miles away from Oklahoma in Taganrog, Russia lives a young girl named Milana Khaikhan. Like many teens across the globe, she is a high school graduate and plans on beginning her college journey this fall. During high school Milana’s favorite subject was math and graduating didn’t stop that passion. Her previous school Liceum IV, specialized in math. Despite her love for math Milan does not plan to go straight to a university and pick up math, but instead pick up direction design. Milana, one of two Russian students participating…

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