Sierra Brown is a junior at Deer Creek High School, where she is involved with many school clubs, such as Youth and Government. The club has four different branches: judicial, legislative, media and lobbyist. Sierra’s favorite branch is judicial, because it has the drama and excitement of trials. She has been involved in in the legislative, media, and judicial branches. This upcoming year, she will be an attorney in the club, and plans to run for a judge position.

Other clubs Brown is involved in are Link Crew, Key Club, National Honors Society, debate, the school newspaper and biology labs after school. During Link Crew, she introduces upcoming freshman students to one another to make an easier start for the new school year. In Key Club, she does volunteer work, including collecting old T-shirts to make toys for dogs in the local animal shelter. She also attends the Hotdogs to the Homeless, an event where hotdogs and sandwiches are given out to homeless individuals.
Brown was born in Edmond, Okla., She lives with her mother, stepfather, brother and sister; along with her two dogs, Daisy and Tilly. After high school, she wants to attend either the University of Central Oklahoma or the University of Missouri at Saint Louis, and plans on majoring in criminal justice or criminology. She hopes to have a career in criminal profiling or as a lawyer.
She said that her dream is to have everyone being treated equal no matter their race or ethnicity. Brown said she is tired of reading about police brutality and inequalities, and she wishes the world could come to peace, and everyone could accept one another for who they are.
In her free time Brown enjoys crocheting and drawing, especially celebrities and nature scenes. She said she likes to listen to podcasts and audiobooks about true crimes. Some podcast she enjoys are “Serial” and “Sword and Scale.” An audiobook she enjoys listening to is “Zombie Survivals.” She also loves the movie “Brother Bear,” as well as its soundtrack. Her favorite song from the movie is “It Will Be Me” by Dave Metzger.
A normal day for Brown is full of commitment and hard work. She wakes up early in the morning to go to school, but her preparedness started long before then. She packs her book, paper, pencil, and the other things she needs for the first hour of school the day before in order to be prepared for class. In addition to a full class schedule, she also attends club meetings throughout the school day. After school, she heads home and babysits, or watches dogs for neighbors and friends.
Brown said that if she had three days off, she would prefer to clean her room, read books and take a day to relax. She also would give back to her mother and community, and talk to family and friends she hasn’t talked to in a long time.