by Mariela Claudio
In today’s society, a lot of magazines, television shows and fashion models send us the same message:
“This is how you’re supposed to look, and this is how you do it.”
It’s no wonder a ridiculous number of people seem to have low self-esteem. Celebrities, models and sometimes our own families are telling us what we should look like. Continually pointing out kids’ and teens’ flaws had to lead somewhere.
Some people actually start to believe that something is wrong with them because they don’t look anything like the people in magazines.
Sometimes, the people in magazines aren’t even recognized in person because of the excessive makeup and the photo-altering programs used to create the magazine images.
Maybe alterations are done to the picture to fix little flaws that are barely noticeable. Regardless, the picture in the magazine was not reality. Sometimes, the images in the magazine look nothing like the original model.
In today’s society, photo editing is normal and customers often want pictures to be edited.
It’s human nature to be attracted to “perfection,” and altering photos is an easy way to give us what we want or even expect from models.
Let me reassure you, nothing is wrong if you look nothing like the models in magazines.
If you don’t pay any attention to anything I wrote, at least take this with you:
Perfection is perceived by the mind, and it varies depending on the person. NOT by the media or the public eye.